Can an online mentoring improve my aligners skills?

As clear aligners are a relatively new option in orthodontics, many professionals with a strong foundation in fixed appliances seek additional training through online mentoring. However, with numerous options available, it can be difficult to determine which program is the best and if having a certification from a particular brand is enough to be fully trained.

Evaluación del seguimiento con alineadores

We aim to address these questions and provide key points for professionals seeking to master aligner orthodontics and achieve results comparable to fixed appliances. Just as professionals consider various training programs and specialties to excel in their careers after finishing a degree in Dentistry, those pursuing Orthodontics specifically can also choose from a multitude of options that envolve long hours of training and little time to gain practical knowledge. This course provides you with the knowledge you are seeking while allowing you to choose how and when you dedicate time to it. 

Are aligner treatments just about following set protocols?

Some “certification” or “onboarding” programs may make it seem that way, with their focus on standard procedures for attachments bonding techniques, software management, and an introduction to digital orthodontics. But relying solely on a predetermined set of instructions is not enough.

This approach is akin to sponsored events for Damon or Clarity braces, where a specific combination of brackets and archwires are recommended, but the success of treatment also depends on the orthodontist’s knowledge and skills in bracket management.

Vertical elastics with CAT

Some “certification” or “onboarding” programs may make it seem that way, with their focus on standard procedures for attachments bonding techniques, software management, and an introduction to digital orthodontics. But relying solely on a predetermined set of instructions is not enough.

This approach is akin to sponsored events for Damon or Clarity braces, where a specific combination of brackets and archwires are recommended, but the success of treatment also depends on the orthodontist’s knowledge and skills in bracket management.

At Common Sense Aligners, we believe in providing a deeper understanding of the underlying principles and mechanics behind clear aligner treatment, rather than just following a set protocol.

We believe that relying solely on strict protocols offered by big aligner manufacturers is not sufficient to treat every case effectively. Instead, we offer an intensive program that provides orthodontists with a comprehensive understanding of clear aligner management and auxiliaries. 

We don’t believe in magical formulas or attachments selection protocols, as every patient is unique. Our program provides a 360-degree view of aligner management for every patient, allowing orthodontists to decide which aligners their patients need and how to digitally program each case. Dr. Lozano will share his approach on every clinical situation, empowering orthodontists in our program to confidently treat their patients with clear aligners.

Free DEMO access

  • 1. Attachments webinar

  • 2. Biomechanics reading

  • 3. Occlusion analysis

  • 4. Technology podcast

  • 5. Attachments article

  • 6. Clincheck review

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